Over £1Billion is being invested in Huddersfield to improve connectivity, infrastructure, education and business opportunities, and below are just some of the exciting projects underway. Be part of Huddersfield’s vision for the future.

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To see more about the current developments, including an image, select a numbered item on the map or see the full list below.

Explore the exciting projects underway across Huddersfield in our interactive map.

1. Our Cultural Heart

Kirklees Council has allocated £262m to create Our Cultural Heart, a vibrant new destination at the heart of the town centre including retail, restaurants, and both indoor and outdoor event venues.  Work onsite begins in summer 2024.

More details can be found at: https://ourculturalheart.co.uk/

2. Crown House

Crown House, the former DWP building in the town centre, has new owners and is to become student accommodation featuring a cinema, gym and rooftop garden, development timing being linked to the National Health Innovation Campus build close by.

More details can be found at: https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/crown-house-to-become-student-accommodation-with-198-en-suite-studio-flats-cinema-gym-and-rooftop-garden/

3. George Hotel

With and investment of £20m Kirklees Council is restoring and renovating the historic George Hotel.  It will reopen as a high quality hotel just off St. George’s Square, operated by internationally renowned hotelier Radisson RED.

More details can be found at: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/huddersfield-blueprint/george-hotel.aspx

4. Kingsgate

The Light at Kingsgate Huddersfield will include a cinema and leisure complex offering something for everyone, including 6 screen cinema, luxury bowling, games arcade, state of the art climbing centre, interactive darts, karaoke, dining including handmade pizzas, burgers, wraps, milkshakes and much more.

More details can be found at: https://kingsgateshoppingcentre.co.uk/entertainment/

5. National Health Innovation Campus

The National Health Innovation Campus is a transformative project for the people of the region. It will improve health outcomes and lead innovation in healthcare for the North of England, the UK and internationally.

It will be the first of its kind within the UK to be built to platinum WELL Building Standards used to create spaces that advance the health and wellbeing of those using these spaces.

More details can be found at: https://www.hud.ac.uk/our-buildings/national-health-innovation/

6. Renaissance Works

Already completed, SKA Developments has invested £10M in the redevelopment of the old Co-op building, now Renaissance Works, to provide quality residential accommodation for students.

More details can be found at: http://ska-dev-2-com.stackstaging.com/student-accommodation/renaissance-works/

7. Station to Stadium Enterprise Corridor

Kirklees Council is targeting the area extending from Huddersfield Railway Station to the famous John Smith’s Stadium for significant public and private sector investment, creating new high-value jobs for the town.  This will be bolstered by the government’s West Yorkshire Investment Zone, with the university’s National Health Innovation Campus at the centre.

More details can be found at: https://businesskirklees.com/spotlight-on-station-to-stadium/

8. St Georges Station Warehouse

Proposed £10M of investment to improve the links from the warehouse building to the station and town centre, and significantly higher investment to transform the warehouse itself, ready for retail, business and residential use.

More details can be found at: http://www.hd1.ltd.uk/index.html

9. Huddersfield Blueprint

The Huddersfield Blueprint is Kirklees Council’s overarching plan for the next decade of town centre regeneration and beyond.  As well as encompassing developments like Our Cultural Heart, the reopening of the George Hotel and improvements to Kingsgate Shopping Centre, the blueprint also covers developments to New Street, St. Peter’s Gardens and other key parts of the town centre.

More details can be found at: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/huddersfield-blueprint/index.aspx

10. Transpennine Route Upgrade

Huddersfield is a major beneficiary of this multibillion-pound railway improvement scheme, improving speed and capacity for passengers travelling between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and York and beyond.   Work has started to transform Huddersfield’s Grade 1 Listed railway station and its forecourt.

More details can be found at: https://thetrupgrade.co.uk/

11. Trinity Road

In excess of £43M investment to redevelop the former college and hospital site to create a premier retail and residential development.

More details can be found at: https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/huddersfield-college-scheme-gets-green-23209961

12. Waste to Water Power Facility

£21M proposed by Kirklees Council for a plant to generate energy from waste to provide heating for town centre homes and businesses.

More details can be found at: https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/huddersfield-incinerator-could-used-make-19963834

13. Bus Station

Huddersfield bus station will undergo a major revamp both inside and out and the most striking feature will be a sweeping canopy with a living grass roof which will run right across the main frontage from Macaulay Square to Upperhead Row. Underneath the canopy there will be a ‘cycle hub’ for bike parking as well as seating and new planters.

More details can be found at: https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/latest-image-of-new-look-20-million-huddersfield-bus-station-with-sweeping-canopy-and-real-grass-growing-on-roof/

14. Estates Building

Work will cover essential repairs and restoration of the historic features needed within the Grade II Listed Estate Buildings, to make sure the building will be fit for repurposing as a new residential development within the planned Huddersfield Blueprint timeline. New residents living in the town centre will help to support retail businesses and help nurture the culture, arts and leisure developments within the town centre.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2022/10/05/work-begins-to-prepare-historic-huddersfield-buildings-for-residential-development/

15. Accident and Emergency at Huddersfield Hospital

The new £15 million A&E at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is on schedule to open in autumn 2023. This new A&E would be 50% bigger than the existing A&E at the other side of the hospital and the new facilities will be state-of-the-art.

More details can be found at: https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/huddersfields-new-15-million-ae-to-open-in-august-2023-and-this-is-what-it-could-look-like-inside/

16. Byram Arcade

Kirklees Council has been making important repairs to the Byram Arcade – the oldest arcade of its kind in Huddersfield, which is home to many thriving local small businesses.

More details can be found at: https://byramarcade.com

17. Globe

Built in 1887, this stunning mill conversion to Innovation Business Hub in the heart of Slaithwaite provides 80,000sq2 of mixed-use accommodation.  The space includes a state-of-the-art innovation centre with laboratory facilities, medical suites and office accommodation supported by an Artisan Hall and retail space.

More details can be found at: https://www.theglobeslaithwaite.co.uk/

18. Huddersfield Town Hall

Currently work is underway with the Town Hall’s roof, installing more durable materials and improving rainwater drainage. Protecting the Grade II Listed building from damage and damp for decades to come. As part of this work, some important conservation work part of the town hall’s beautiful stonemasonry, and windows and flagpoles will be refurbished. There will also be repairs and redecoration to parts of the inside of Huddersfield Town Hall. This includes the mayor’s office, the hospitality room and adjoining small atrium, reception room, council chamber and civic office.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2023/04/26/repairs-and-restorations-to-huddersfield-town-hall/

19. John William Street

A grant of £610,500 has been approved by Kirklees Council for improvements to Grade II Listed buildings on John William Street, one of the most prominent streets leading from St. George’s Square.  The improvements will include work on shopfronts, which will bring their look and feel more in line with the building’s heritage and architecture, and will bring empty properties within the building back into use.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2023/12/21/cabinet-approve-heritage-funding-for-john-william-street-huddersfield/

20. Investment Zone

The West Yorkshire Health Innovation and Digital Tech Investment Zone represents £160million funding for innovation infrastructure and development programmes, potentially unlocking a further £220 private sector investment, and creating more than 2,500 new jobs across the region.  In Huddersfield, the scheme is anchored by the Station to Stadium Corridor and National Health Innovation Campus.

More details can be found at: https://www.investwestyorkshire.com/why-west-yorkshire/west-yorkshire-health-innovation-and-digital-tech-investment-zone/

21. Penistone Rail Line

Kirklees Council have been successful in a bid for £48m from the government’s Levelling Up Fund, to support major improvements to the Penistone rail line, which runs between Huddersfield, Penistone and Sheffield via Barnsley.  The work will improve infrastructure and access along the rail line, making trains more comfortable, more regular, faster and less crowded.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2023/11/20/48million-funding-boost-to-get-penistone-rail-line-on-the-right-track/

22. Huddersfield Market

The Grade II* Listed market will be restored and refurbished using £16.5m from the government’s Levelling Up Fund.  The market is a key part of Huddersfield, and this work will create a vibrant and sustainable market with – as well as the more traditional market offering – a more varied offering from day through to night.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2023/11/20/welcome-funding-boost-for-huddersfield-open-market-project/

23. BigBox Leisure Club

Finishing touches are now being put to a £4 million gym on the Tandem Industrial Estate and work will be completed by the end of 2023. The former Total Fitness gym has been re-born as BigBox, run by experienced and successful gym and leisure club operators, Jamie Lyne and Simon Ryan.

More info – https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/inside-bigbox-leisure-club-as-excitement-builds-for-the-re-opening-of-huddersfields-biggest-gym/

24. Adventoris

Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, Adventoris, has moved to its new office building in Huddersfield, Folly Hall Mills. Over the next five years, the total investment into the property will be over £1m.

More info – https://www.thebusinessdesk.com/yorkshire/news/2119009-software-firm-solidifies-future-with-office-investment-and-brand-account-wins

25. ACCU

ACCU have invested over £1M into a refurbishment of the former Brook Motors site in Brockholes for their new site. The new site allows for the holding of more stock and to allow the team to grow to over 200 staff.

More info – https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/component-firm-accu-set-to-build-new-1m-hq-and-distribution-centre-creating-200-new-jobs

26. Gas Holder Removal

Plans have now been submitted for the demolition and partial restoration of Huddersfield’s lasty gas holder. This lies in the Kirklees Council Station to Stadium Enterprise Zone/WYCA Investment Zone and helps pave the way for a new development and the high value new jobs that will be part of Huddersfield’s future.

More info – https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/date-is-set-for-demolition-of-huddersfields-iconic-gasholder-and-former-gas-club/

27. Crossland Court

Proposals have come forward for a new West Yorkshire employment development that could support the creation of up to 260 jobs. Park Valley has launched a public consultation on plans for new commercial units on land off Blackmoorfoot Road in Huddersfield.

The proposed Crosland Court would comprise about 14 small to medium sized commercial units within a sensitively designed landscape setting, and would provide space for businesses in the area to expand.

More details can be found at: https://www.insidermedia.com/news/yorkshire/proposals-for-employment-development-with-potential-to-create-260-jobs

28. Holmfirth Town Centre

Work has started on the Holmfirth Town Centre Access Plan, a £10.3 million investment scheme to create a more accessible town centre for businesses, residents and visitors.

The scheme aims to help reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions by prioritising sustainable transport options such as walking, cycling, wheeling and public transport, while ensuring accessibility for all, and supporting the growth and development of the cultural sector.

More details can be found at: https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2024/06/21/holmfirth-town-centre-improvement-scheme-gets-underway/

29. St Peters Performance Space

A £500,000 project to create a public performance area next to Huddersfield Parish Church is ahead of schedule. The scheme will provide a large area between the church and St Peter’s Gardens and will be completed in autumn 2024. The project has involved moving some graves, and gravestones will be used as paving along with cobbles and Victorian lamp-posts.

More details can be found at: https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/work-on-500000-events-space-at-st-peters-gardens-is-well-ahead-of-schedule/

30. Mac’s Truck Rental Expansion

Established Huddersfield business Mac’s Truck Rental has opened a new site in Outlane. Their plans include being better able to offer full UK coverage via their other existing locations and this new site, which in turn has taken on new skilled workers to enhance the overall business capability.

More details can be found at: https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/macs-truck-rental-launches-nationwide-expansion-by-opening-new-base-in-outlane/

31. Grange Moor

Planning permission granted for the build of a new 13,000 sqm manufacturing facility for a growing Huddersfield computer business, PC Specialist. The new site is close to their existing location and will allow a significant increase in workforce offering new high value jobs for the town as the business continues to grow its global sales opportunities.

More details can be found at: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/planning-applications/search-for-planning-applications/detail.aspx?id=2023/90668

Fibre Broadband Connectivity

CityFibre’s £30M investment in Huddersfield has already enabled thousands of residents and business to take advantage of next generation full-fibre broadband, with thousands more enabled by 2024.

More details can be found at: https://cityfibre.com/news/gigabit-speed-services-now-live-in-huddersfield


If you would like to know more and find out how you can be part of Huddersfield’s vision for the future email us or visit our contact page.

You can also find out further information by contacting our partners Business Kirklees, Kirklees Council and University of Huddersfield.

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